Behavior Plan
​Deer Point Elementary School is excited to be a Leader in Me school. This is a highly regarded process with an outstanding reputation for helping students (and adults) take charge of their own growth and actions in all areas of their life. The process is based on the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Steven Covey.
At Deer Point we believe that
Every student can be a leader.
Every student has genius.
Every student has opportunity to improve our school and community.
Every student is in charge of their learning.
Please visit the following link for a brief overview of the habits:
Anglers are:
Showing Excellence
Through Leadership
We will be using Class DOJO as a tool to track and reward behaviors. Class DOJO will also allow me to communicate reminders and share photos and class events. You will also be able to view your child's behavior through your account. It can be accessed by computer or phone/tablet app. I will be sending information for your free sign-up once school has begun. Behavior tracking will be linked to the 7 Habits. Our focus is to recognize and encourage positive behaviors more than negative behaviors. However, we are all human and everyone has off moments.
Classroom Consequences:
In the event your child has a consistent and/or disruptive behavior the following consequences will be implemented:
Verbal or nonverbal warning
Redirection to the task or an alternative task or activity
Change in seating or task to provide time for reflection
Loss of privileges
Parent Alert (Informal Classroom Discipline Write Up)
Call Home
Office Referral
**Specific behaviors may warrant some and/or all steps to be skipped**